Description: Hiragishi reunites with Izumi, a bully from his school days, for the first time in 20 years. Despite his own unhappy life, Izumi has created a happy family with his beloved only daughter Mai, who is a single father. Hiragishi, feeling sorry for himself for having been subjected to nightmares for 20 years, vows to take revenge, swearing, “I will pay her back for all she has done to me. His adored daughter Mai breaks into his house and destroys everything he values most. A vicious and brutal deep throat! A deep throat rape! A horrific revenge story in which a man is unjustly attacked in his father’s place.
Categories: Creampie, Deep Throating, Erotic Wear, School Girls, Solowork, Uniform, English Subbed
Actress: Nizumi Maika
Studio: Glory Quest