Description: DVAJ-657 Yukari Fujisaki is an ordinary housewife who drives an old light truck and spends her days doing housework, caring for her children and working. She has lived a sexless existence since giving birth, focusing on saving money rather than beauty, but when she meets an eager university student at the family restaurant where she works part-time, she is reminded of the joys of being a woman that she had almost forgotten. Although she knows it’s wrong, her womb hurts and she indulges in adulterous sex. During her break at work… She is accosted in the car park on her way home from shopping… Only in the confined space of the car does she turn into a girl, and they have raw sex several times.
Categories: Affair, Car Sex, Cuckold, Married Woman, Solowork, English Subbed
Actress: Fujisaku Akane
Studio: Alice Japan